Make More Space at Your Manufacturing Property With Junk Removal Services

Jan 22, 2022

All businesses generate a certain amount of waste. However, if you're involved in the manufacturing industry, there is a good chance that your business produces more than most. In addition to the regular everyday trash that comes with running a business, manufacturing businesses often accumulate used shipping supplies, obsolete equipment and materials, and waste from the manufacturing process. Over time, every manufacturing operation accumulates things that are no longer usable. 

Create Additional Space

Regardless of the product or products you manufacture, every square of your facility costs you money. While it is easy to move an unused or obsolete piece of equipment or furniture to an unused corner of the building, you are still paying the price for that space. Often with time, what started as a temporary storage solution for one or two items becomes a catch-all for all types of discarded and unusable items. When this happens, floor space that should be producing a profit becomes a drain to your bottom line. Conversely, removing excess clutter can create additional floor space that has the potential to increase your earnings.

Improve Safety

Slip and fall accidents are one of the leading causes of workplace injuries. Injury accidents can be costly in many ways for both you and your employees. In addition to the direct medical and insurance costs associated with a workplace accident, your company may also suffer from the loss of productivity while your star employee recovers from a preventable accident. Removing the build-up of waste and unused material in your facility can lessen the possibility of a slip and fall accident.

How the Professionals Can Help

Professional junk removal companies are the experts at safely removing unwanted items from your facility. Trained teams have the knowledge and equipment necessary to remove all types of unwanted items from your manufacturing facility. They can safely and efficiently remove items of all sizes and materials, including:

  • Office furniture
  • Equipment and machinery
  • Pallets
  • Shipping and packing materials
  • Manufacturing waste and by-products

Contact the Professionals

At Count Junkula, we are the experts at getting rid of unwanted junk. Our team of professionals can help you reclaim your space and increase the safety and productivity of your manufacturing facility. Whether it's old office furniture and equipment or large amounts of trash and debris, it has to be disposed of somehow. 

When it comes to cleaning up and keeping your facility in the greater Charlotte and Raleigh metropolitan areas safe and clean, we are the ones to call. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you make more space at your manufacturing property.

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