Office Cleanouts: How Professional Junk Removal Helps Property Owners

Jan 02, 2022

As a commercial property owner, it is your job to keep your buildings looking their best. Whether you are preparing for a new tenant, upgrading existing office furniture and equipment, or downsizing due to more employees working remotely, your commercial office space probably needs to be cleaned out. 

Uncluttered property that is free of discards is more attractive to potential tenants, has a better market value, and can command higher rent. Having office junk professionally removed is a necessity. 

Better Tenants

High-end renters are greatly affected by first impressions. When interested parties come to tour your property, it needs to be clean and free of things that are no longer in use. 

Hiring a professional junk remover can help you get your property where it needs to be to attract the most reliable tenants. 

Higher Market Value

To get the highest market share possible on your property, it must be equipped with the latest electronics. Donating or re-purposing the old stuff is a great way to make room for modern amenities.

Get rid of old computers and outdated hardware with professional junk removal.

Ergonomically and Environmentally Pleasing

Old furniture is not only unsightly and uncomfortable, it is unsafe. Chairs that are misshapen from overuse do not have proper lumbar support. This can lead to injuries.

Invest in ergonomically correct office furnishings made of environmentally friendly materials and let a professional junk remover clear out dangerous junk.

Get Help from Count Junkula

At Count Junkula, your junk is our life force. Located in central North Carolina, we service the Greater Charlotte and Greater Raleigh regions.

Owned locally and family-operated, Count Junkula makes your life easier with:

  • Free estimates 
  • Fast scheduling
  • Competitive rates
  • Friendly service 

We accept online payment, all major credit cards, and offer commercial rates for our commercial customers. Eco-friendly and green, we always recycle or donate whatever we can, unless otherwise requested. Contact us for your free estimate. 

You don't even have to home to take advantage of our removal services. Just leave everything outside. We'll handle the junk. 

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