When It's Time to Clean Out Your Storage Unit

Oct 01, 2021

So, you took one look at your storage unit, and you felt a sense of dread. You may have put off cleaning it for a few months, or possibly even a few years. But there are plenty of benefits to cleaning out your storage unit, and the whole process doesn't have to be as daunting as it seems. Here are a few tips to get started.

Why You Should Clean Your Storage Unit and How To Prepare

There are a few reasons you may want to clean out your storage unit. You might want to make room for new items you'll need to store in the future, or you don't want to buy another storage unit. We get it-- storage units are practical, but they can get expensive. Cleaning out your storage unit is a great solution to these dilemmas.

You might wonder where to even begin with your storage unit, though, especially ones that are full-to-bursting. To start off, you'll want to make an inventory of your items. If you aren't able to see all the items in your storage unit, you may want to move some items around. Make sure to look inside boxes and bags as well. Then you can categorize items based on what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of.

What To Do With All That Junk

Okay, so now you have a list of all the items you aren't keeping. What's next? Here are some options:

  • Donate: Have something in your storage unit that's still of great quality and could help someone in need? You can make the world a brighter place by donating these items.
  • Sell: Everyone could do with a little extra pocket money, and a great way to get it is by selling your items.
  • Recycle: If you have paper products, plastics, or any other recyclable, you'll want to take them to be recycled.
  • Hire a Junk Removal Company: Once you've donated, sold, and recycled to your heart's content, the rest of the items are most likely garbage. If you're like many, your storage unit may contain a lot of garbage that's difficult to haul off on your own, especially mattresses or other heavy items. Consider hiring a junk removal company to finish off the job.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional 

Storage units, especially ones that are nearly full beyond their capacity, can not only be a hassle to clean, but they can also be dangerous. Some items may be heavy, and if you drop these items or strain yourself trying to move them, you could injure yourself. Instead, it's highly recommended that you call a professional junk removal company. They can not only haul off all the junk, but they can also recycle items and even donate them for you as well.

You Can Count on Count Junkula

When you're looking to clean out your storage unit, Count Junkula is here for you. Contact us today to schedule a free estimate.

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