Easy Empty Nest Cleanout Tips

Jul 21, 2021

If raising kids is a challenge, then it is pure torture to imagine yourself with an empty nest. However, eventually, all kids leave to begin their grown-up lives. It is a time of bittersweet thoughts and maybe a little excitement, for them, if not for you. We say turn your empty nest upside down with our favorite empty nest clean-out tips and make the most of all the space you now have!

A Treasure Trove of Potential

Your empty nest is a place where you can create whatever space you may have always wanted, but the kids always seemed to need more. Now, you will find all the space you need to create your very own oasis. Just imagine having:

  • A crafting room
  • A home gym
  • A place to meditate
  • A reading nook
  • An indoor "She-Shed" or "Man Cave"
  • A playroom for your grand babies
  • A walk-in closet
  • A guest room for returning kids and grandkids
  • An enlarged bedroom

The possibilities of everything you can do with your empty nest are endless. Furthermore, you don't even have to know what your space will become before you remove the junk. Simply start dreaming and imagining the potential while you start sorting through the clutter. 

Love It, Need It, Send It On

For many, the hardest part of having a now empty nest is trying to decide what to do with years of furniture that has seen better days. That squeaky bed that your child jumped on when they were five may not have a place in your new space, not even as a guest bedroom.

You do have several options. You can keep the keepsakes and the things you feel you or your kids may need one day. Then, you can donate some and recycle the rest. 

A few ideas to get you started include: 

  • Love It: Old photographs, favorite stuffed animals, Mother's/Father's Day gifts, your kid's yearbooks, etc. Basically, anything that you feel strongly attached to should be kept and maybe even displayed in your new space.
  • Need It: Does the beat-up dresser that your child covered in stickers have a purpose in your new space? Go through your empty nest and decide if that item plays a role in your empty nest or if it is simply taking up floor space. The stuff that you feel will be needed by someone can absolutely be kept.
  • Send It On: Anything that is taking up floor space, you have the option to trash, donate, recycle, or re-purpose for your new space. Do you think anyone wants that old mattress, or is mattress removal your best option?

We Can Help You Do the Heavy Lifting

At Count Junkula, we may not be able to help you decide what to remove from your empty nest, but we can help you remove unwanted items once the decision is made. We are willing to travel anywhere in the Greater Charlotte and Greater Raleigh area to lend a helping hand, even if you are trying to remove that bulky 32-inch television

Count Junkula is here for you, whenever you are ready. Just contact us and we will be right there.

Frequently ASked Questions

  • Where do I start with cleaning out my home now that the kids have moved out?

    Begin with the rooms that were most frequently used by your children, such as bedrooms or a basement play area. Sort items into categories: keep, donate, sell, or discard. Starting from a specific point helps you avoid feeling overwhelmed.

  • What should I do with all the memorabilia and keepsakes?

    Create a keepsake box for each child and fill it with the most significant items. Offer it to them as a gift, and for the rest, consider taking photos to preserve the memory before letting the item go.

  • How can I efficiently downsize books, clothes, and other personal items?

    For books, donate to local libraries or schools. Clothes can be donated to charities or sold online. Use the one-year rule for both: if you haven’t worn it or read it in a year, it’s likely time to pass it on.

  • Any tips for maintaining my home after the cleanout?

    Adopt a minimalist approach to new purchases, and regularly schedule decluttering sessions to keep things manageable. This way, your home stays organized and adaptable to your evolving needs.

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