How to Prepare for Your Moving Day Cleanout

Jul 31, 2021

For most people, moving is an exciting idea. However, as you look around your home, thinking of all the boxes you will have to pack as you prepare for the big day, it can be intimidating and stressful. Spring cleaning takes on a whole new meaning for most of us when we start packing up. Before you stress too much over how to prepare for your moving day cleanout and cleanup, know that help is a phone call away!

To Keep or Not to Keep; That Is Always the Question!

What may have started out as a few items to get us started, quickly turns into a house filled with treasures. Then, you start talking about making a move to a new home or a new area. Gone are those good old days when just a few boxes are enough.

Now, you have a house full of jeans that you dream of one day fitting into again and a ratty old sofa that has seen its share of spilled soda and popcorn fights. Yeah, we all have that stuff! Moving is the easy way to break those sentimental bonds because you don't always have to take those old things to your new home. A better way to handle this is to consider donating, recycling, or trashing

Prepare to Move

Even if you are having movers do the packing, you should go through each room of your home. As you go, take a long look at the things you have acquired. This is the one time that we are all forced to lay hands on every single thing in our home, especially if you are packing yourself. As you look at everything, decide if it is usable or tossable. Is it worthy of:


The clothing you haven't worn in the last year, that old wicker chair that your mom thought you would love to have, and more are all taking up space in your home right now. Do you really want them to take up space in the new home as well? Donate this stuff to people who can wear it or love having wicker in their home. If you hate it today, can't use it today, and will not need it in six months, there really is no point in taking it with you.


Old electronics weighing down your closet? A broken washing machine or dishwasher crammed into your shed? You will not need those things in the new home. Recycle that stuff! Out with the old and in with the new.


If you have something you simply feel isn't worth anything to anyone, trashing it is always a viable option. You can rent a dumpster and be done with all the mess in no time at all!

Stress-Free Moving Days Ahead

The hardest part is sorting and deciding what to keep and what to toss. If you can get beyond that part, the rest will be a breeze, and we promise you will have a lot less stuff filling up the moving van!

If you need a helping hand to get rid of all the clutter, Count Junkula is at your service. We can help you with even big purge junk removals in the Greater Charlotte and Greater Raleigh area, as well as every area in between. All you have to do is say, "Come help me!"

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What should I prioritize during a moving day cleanout?

    Start with decluttering and sorting items you no longer need or use. Prioritize removing junk from high-traffic areas to create clear pathways for movers. Essential areas include closets, attics, basements, and garages.

  • Are there ways to minimize waste when packing for a move?

    Use sustainable packing materials like reusable containers, blankets, and towels to wrap fragile items. For necessary disposable packing materials, choose biodegradable or recyclable options.

  • Should I clean my home before moving out?

    Yes, it's courteous and sometimes required by lease or sale agreements to leave your home clean. Do a final sweep after all your items are moved out, focusing on cleaning floors, walls, and fixtures.

  • How can I make the cleanout process easier on moving day?

    Prepare an essentials box with cleaning supplies, tools, and other necessities. Label boxes clearly and keep them accessible to speed up the cleaning and moving process.

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