Professional Cleanout the Apartment for Your New Tenants

Jun 30, 2021

As a landlord, apartments are your assets, and it is your responsibility to create a lasting impression with your newly awaited tenants. One of the best preparations you can make when getting ready for the tenants is a thorough cleaning. Yes, I said thoroughly.

The Importance of Thorough Cleanout

  • It's a legal responsibility. Whether it is Charlotte, Raleigh, or Carolina, it is the responsibility of every landlord to ensure that the place for tenants is clean and livable.
  • You earn more reviews. Trust me, nobody is ready to hide a good experience. The experience your tenants experience is the same that they share with others.
  • Increase the lifespan of your assets. You don't want to get extra costs every year when purchasing new units for your apartments. Thorough cleanout ensures that the life of the companies is not reduced.

Areas That Require Professional Cleanout

Apartments have technical structures and tools that may sometimes need a professional to disengage and do a cleanup safely. Other areas are unnoticed. Some of such sites include.

  • Dust blinds spots. How would you do a cleanout on your ten-foot ceiling fan? Will you not just overlook that? Hiring a professional cleanout company will safely clean all the furniture, picture frames, lamps and even more of the areas you can easily forget.
  • Cleanup of appliances. These areas include bathroom appliances and kitchen appliances, where bacteria can quickly be deposited. A professional cleaning company ensures that all those areas are disinfected. Other sites like the back of the fridge and microwaves are well cleaned, which is a welcome sight for any tenant.

For the junk that's left behind, there needs to be someone there to clean it up and toss it out efficiently and reliably. 

Contact Junk Removal Experts

When it comes to junk removal in Carolina, Charlotte, Raleigh, no one does it better than Count Junkula. Known for their professionalism, integrity and care for your property, you can contact us and be sure that at Count Junkula, we take pride in exceptional work.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What areas of the apartment should I prioritize for cleaning?

    While every part of the apartment should be cleaned, prioritize areas that are commonly used, such as the bathroom, kitchen, and main living spaces. Also, pay attention to frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and appliance handles.

  • Are there legal obligations to provide a clean apartment for new tenants?

    Many jurisdictions have health and safety standards that landlords must meet, which include providing a habitable and clean environment. Always check local regulations to ensure compliance.

  • Should I hire a professional cleaning service or handle it myself?

    This depends on your budget, the condition of the apartment, and your proficiency in cleaning. Professional services can ensure a deep clean, but if the apartment is already in relatively good condition, you might choose to handle minor cleaning tasks yourself.

  • What should I do with items left behind by previous tenants?

    Notify the previous tenant, if possible, and give them a reasonable time frame to collect their belongings. If they do not claim the items, check local laws regarding disposal or sale of unclaimed property.

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