Tips to Keep Your Office Building Clean and Safe

Aug 07, 2021

It's that time of year again: the files are out of place, the drawers are filled, and everything's a mess. Some employees have probably come to you complaining, but you're at a point where you just don't know what to do. So how do you keep your office building clean? And what are the benefits?

Benefits of Office Junk Removal

Before we get into the tips, you should probably know the benefits of office junk removal. There are plenty of benefits to it, including:

  • Increased Productivity: Less time is spent looking for lost items, and more time is spent doing work that matters.
  • More Focus: A cluttered office is a cluttered mind. Having a clean office building allows workers to focus on what they're doing.
  • Greater Efficiency: When there's less junk in the office building, more space can be devoted to placing necessary items in a way that makes sense, which contributes to efficiency.

Tips for Cleaning Your Office Building

  • Keep an Inventory: Before doing anything, it's easiest to keep an inventory of the items you want to keep and remove. This will make the process much easier and prevent you from making decisions on the fly.
  • Remove the Junk First: It will be easiest to move everything around and put it in place when all the junk is removed. Whether you're planning to do it yourself or hire a professional, removing the junk first is best before continuing.
  • Get Organized: Now that all the junk is out of the building, you can finally get organized. Concentrate on putting items in a way that makes sense for productivity and workflow. Having systems in place will make it less likely you'll need junk removal in the near future.

When to Hire a Professional

Some work is best left in the hands of a professional, and office junk removal is no different. You may want to consider hiring a professional for a few reasons. 

  • First, removing the junk yourself may be a safety hazard. You definitely don't want to be liable for any injuries caused by amateur mistakes. 
  • Second, it's very convenient. You and your employees won't have to take time out of your busy schedules. You can concentrate on work while the professionals do the rest. 
  • Finally, you may want to hire a professional for the savings. Moving things yourself can become costly if you're paying for equipment and other necessities. It may also be difficult to estimate the cost. With a professional, they hand you the cost upfront, so you don't need to worry about hidden fees or underestimation.

You Can Count on the Count

If you'd like professional help removing junk from your office building, Count Junkula is here to help.Contact us today to get a free estimate.

  • How often should office equipment be sanitized to maintain a clean work environment?

     High-touch areas and office equipment such as keyboards, mice, phones, and printers should be sanitized daily to prevent the spread of germs, especially during flu season or when illnesses are more prevalent. For less frequently used equipment, a weekly cleaning should suffice. It's also essential to encourage good hygiene practices among employees, such as handwashing and using hand sanitizer.

  • How can we motivate employees to maintain cleanliness in the office?

    Creating a culture of cleanliness starts with setting clear expectations and providing the necessary resources, such as easily accessible cleaning supplies and designated areas for eating and breaks. Encouraging a clean desk policy, rewarding teams for maintaining clean spaces, and involving employees in creating cleanliness guidelines can also foster a sense of responsibility and pride in maintaining a clean office environment.

  • Can indoor plants contribute to keeping an office clean?

    Yes, indoor plants can contribute to a cleaner office environment. Plants are natural air purifiers, removing toxins from the air and improving overall air quality. They can also increase humidity levels, which can help reduce dust. Besides, having plants in the office can boost mood and productivity, creating a more pleasant and healthy workspace.

  • What is your policy for handling sensitive materials during junk removal and cleaning?

    We understand the importance of confidentiality and security for your business. Our trained professionals handle all sensitive materials with the utmost care and discretion. If required, we can provide secure destruction services for documents or electronic data to ensure your confidential information is safely disposed of.

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